We strive to bring innovations together and tackle global problems with sustainable solutions to help save our planet.

Who are we

We are committed to empowering sustainable innovation that creates a positive impact on our world. We strive to be a catalyst for change, addressing global challenges and conserving our precious blue planet.

How can we help you?

Offering services in bringing innovation to market through project development and execution. We define a common goal and then acquire the necessary funding to achieve the team’s goals.

What do we do for you?

– Funding application writing and submission

– Project management

– Innovation, exploitation, communication, and dissemination activities

– Funding management and compliance

X-Lives: Register for project funding!

X-Lives focuses on developing innovative circular solutions for polymers, fibres and mineral materials in the Interreg region. The project’s vision is to create a circular economy characterized by sustainability and resource efficiency by introducing innovative recycling processes and promoting collaboration between stakeholders. Through partnerships and workshops, we will bring together German and Dutch SMEs to work on at least 20 development projects. Our goal is to reduce environmental impact, promote economic growth and create a resilient and environmentally friendly future.

If you are an SME from the Interreg region, you can participate in the X-Lives project in the form of a sub-project and become part of our vision!

Register for project funding as part of the X-Lives project HERE.